English to hebrew meaning of

ההגדרה המילונית של המילה "סחרחורת" היא: בעל תחושה של הסתחררות ונטייה ליפול; מושפע עם ורטיגו; מבולבל או מבולבל; מוצף נפשית. זה יכול גם לגרום למישהו להרגיש סחרחורת או סחרחורת, או להתרגש יתר על המידה או המום. בנוסף, המילה יכולה לשמש כפועל לתיאור הפעולה של לגרום למישהו להרגיש סחרחורת או מבולבלת.

Sentence Examples

  1. More energy poured through her, and Kayla started feeling dizzy.
  2. He should be dizzy by this point, but he continued to go round and round, talking in his foreign language.
  3. Images and thoughts seemed to flow through Kayla at a rapid pace, making her dizzy.
  4. Dizzy, I stood, staggered like a sot and, finding my balance, limped to the street fence line.
  5. My heart was pounding and I clutched the wall, feeling dizzy.
  6. After two more feeble attempts that left her drained of energy and dizzy, she remembered the Seidr.
  7. Before I can regain my composure, a wave of goosebumps skitters up my arms and my head feels light and dizzy.
  8. Dizzy, breathing heavily and with his stomach threatening to betray him, Richard scrambled into the leafy refuge.
  9. I reached the second floor hallway and, dizzy again, had to collect myself.
  10. I was dizzy and, though the sense of burning and the pain in my chest had vanished, my head hurt plenty.