English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verkort" is om iets korter in lengte of duur te maak, of om die hoeveelheid of hoeveelheid van iets te verminder. Dit kan verwys na fisiese voorwerpe, soos om die lengte van 'n stuk materiaal te verkort of die hoogte van 'n heining te verkort, of dit kan verwys na abstrakte konsepte, soos om 'n toespraak te verkort of die tyd wat nodig is om 'n taak te voltooi, te verkort. Daarbenewens kan die woord ook gebruik word om te verwys na die handeling om iets kort te sny of die duur van iets te verminder, soos om 'n sin te verkort of 'n vergadering te verkort.


  1. castrate
  2. bowdlerise
  3. bowdlerize
  4. expurgate

Sentence Examples

  1. But to shorten the long recital of my woes, I will pass over in silence all the artifices employed by Don Fernando for declaring his passion for me.
  2. This project could not be of any great expense to the public, and would in my poor opinion be of much use for the dispatch of business, in those countries where senates have any share in the legislative power, beget unanimity, shorten debates, open a few mouths which are now closed, and close many more which are now open curb the petulancy of the young, and correct the positiveness of the old rouse the stupid, and damp the pert.
  3. Even with the superior diet provided by the Verdantes, a sedentary lifestyle could shorten her life by many years.
  4. Beau would not agree to shorten our trip and go home, so we continued on to Austria and Switzerland.
  5. Only then did Bern shorten his leash, hushing and reeling until he was close enough to touch her.
  6. This embarrassment had completely escaped Albert, but it caused Lucien to shorten his visit he was evidently ill at ease.
  7. Dantès ordered the helmsman to put down his helm, in order to leave La Pianosa to starboard, as he knew that he should shorten his course by two or three knots.
  8. The priestess is watching a pair of shadows shorten.