English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "rooskrans" is 'n stel gebedskrale wat in die Katolieke Kerk gebruik word om gebede te tel, veral die Wees gegroet, en om te mediteer oor verskillende verborgenhede in die lewe van Jesus en Maria. Dit bestaan tipies uit 'n string krale en 'n kruisbeeld en word gebruik as 'n gewyde hulpmiddel tydens persoonlike of gemeenskaplike gebed. Die term "rooskrans" kom van die Latynse woord "rosarium," wat "roostuin" beteken, en is 'n verwysing na die simboliese verband tussen die gebede en die idee om geestelike blomme aan Maria te bied.


  1. prayer beads

Sentence Examples

  1. The result leads them into the deadly world of laser-guided rosary peas and spam cupcakes.
  2. Then, with her last breath, she declared her devotion and her love by struggling to grab the rosary and the Valentine that Reggie had given her.
  3. He carried no arms whatever, nothing but a rosary of beads bigger than fair-sized filberts, each tenth bead being like a moderate ostrich egg his bearing, his gait, his dignity and imposing presence held me spellbound and wondering.
  4. They took leave of all, and of the good Maritornes, who, sinner as she was, promised to pray a rosary of prayers that God might grant them success in such an arduous and Christian undertaking as that they had in hand.
  5. He threw over him his scarlet mantle, put on his head a montera of green velvet trimmed with silver edging, flung across his shoulder the baldric with his good trenchant sword, took up a large rosary that he always carried with him, and with great solemnity and precision of gait proceeded to the antechamber where the duke and duchess were already dressed and waiting for him.
  6. His grip on the rosary eased enough for me to slip two fingers between it and my neck.