English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "streep" verskeie betekenisse, insluitend:'n Vinnige hardloop of kort wedloop.'n Leesteken (-) wat gebruik word om dele te skei van 'n sin.'n Klein hoeveelheid van 'n bestanddeel wat in kook gebruik word, soos 'n skeut sout of peper.'n Skielike beweging of energiebars.As 'n werkwoord kan "streep" beteken:Om vinnig te hardloop of te beweeg.Om iets met geweld te slaan of te slaan, wat veroorsaak dat dit breek of strooi.Om iemand se hoop of planne te vernietig.Om 'n klein hoeveelheid van 'n bestanddeel by 'n gereg te voeg, soos in "sout bietjie sout op die eiers."


  1. bolt

Sentence Examples

  1. At the end of the plaza I stop and wait for traffic to pass before making a dash to the mill on the next corner.
  2. He leaned toward the dash, turning an ear in the direction of one of the speakers.
  3. Panicking, I dash, not noticing the puddle of mud at my feet, only to slip and fall on my butt with a thud.
  4. When the doors of this pitifully slow elevator finally open I make a dash to the dining room.
  5. His jacket was freshly washed, smelling of chemicals with a dash of rosemary.
  6. I cross over and make a hasty dash for the next side street, and again try a few doors on the left.
  7. Our captor was knocked prone, but Hawke continued his mad dash.
  8. I peeked over the dash as Gregg approached with a large brown bag.
  9. While searching the spices for Savory, I began feeling sick to my stomach and made a mad dash for the bathrooms.
  10. In a mad dash, I stumbled for the closet and glanced at the clock.