English to afrikaans meaning of

Daar is verskeie moontlike betekenisse vir die woord "bout" na gelang van die konteks:'n Soort metaalhegstuk wat gebruik word om twee voorwerpe saam te voeg deur 'n moer op 'n skroefdraadskag te ryg: "Ek het 'n bout nodig om hierdie deel aan die muur vas te maak."Om vinnig weg te hardloop, gewoonlik in 'n skielike of paniekbevange manier van die:/>'n Enkele weerligstraal: "'n Weerligstraal het die boom getref."'n Groot, silindriese stuk metaal of ander materiaal wat gebruik word om 'n deur of hek te sluit: "Maak seker jy skuif die grendel oor wanneer jy weggaan."Om kos vinnig af te sluk: Hy het sy kos vinnig afgesluk: >'n Soort materiaal wat styf geweef is, met 'n gladde oppervlak en hoë glans: "Haar rok was gemaak van 'n pragtige bout van satyn."

Sentence Examples

  1. Evan used an energy bolt next to propel the devil back, off into the trees.
  2. The bolt veered skyward, piercing the darkness and for a moment, illuminating the road.
  3. The first lightning bolt missed, striking a tree with a rending screech of wood.
  4. The crab mimicked a human scream as Brooke shot a lightning bolt at its back.
  5. The doors were half height, allowing the horses to peer over them, secured by a slide bolt at the top and an iron kick latch at the bottom.
  6. Then another, which Elijah hurled a lightning bolt at.
  7. I fired a bolt of energy at the ground and then jumped, the energy rebounding and striking the wyvern in its scaly hide.
  8. Spluttering and choking, Evan stupidly tried to pull the invisible vice off his throat, until he came to his senses and flung an energy bolt at his attacker.
  9. The bolt had more recoil than I expected, vibrating through my hand and stopping as it hit the magicproof sleeve of my jacket.
  10. The ground trembled underneath us and Ellen moved suddenly, the bolt of magic striking the tarmac instead.