English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "aangenaam" is "om 'n gevoel van gelukkige bevrediging of genot te gee; genotvol, aangenaam of aangenaam in manier of gedrag." Dit kan verwys na enigiets wat 'n gevoel van geluk, gemak of bevrediging veroorsaak, soos 'n aangename reuk, 'n aangename ervaring, 'n aangename persoon of 'n aangename atmosfeer. Die woord kan ook gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat nie hard, skokkend of aanstootlik is nie, en wat maklik is om te aanvaar of te verdra.

Sentence Examples

  1. His fingertips brushed tenderly against her cheek, a pleasant tingling sensation followed.
  2. If he did, the pleasant expression on his face as he approached did not tell him so.
  3. Now, though, he had to admit that the renovated station, while rather noisy, was a great deal more pleasant than it had been before.
  4. Blake whimpered a little at first, but eventually his tears diminished, and he closed his eyes while smiling like he was having a pleasant dream.
  5. Calle San Juan is one of the main routes through the village and never that pleasant to navigate by foot due to its narrowness and near total absence of pavements.
  6. It all looks pleasant and neat, a tourist idyll on a desert island, just as Celestino depicted it in his Lanzapoly.
  7. Daylight highlighted the richness of the colors and the quality of the workmanship, creating a pleasant effect, but when the light was low the room had always struck Cianne as oppressive.
  8. It might have been a pleasant scene had they not been hunting for him.
  9. Celestino was in a buoyant mood, engaging in pleasant banter in English and Spanish as he unzipped his belt pouch to add the euros.
  10. But then, he had little money left and it was an option preferable to returning to his room to wait and see if morning brought pleasant weather.

TV Series Examples



lt's not a pleasant story.