English to persian meaning of

معنای فرهنگ لغت "نجات" نجات یا نجات چیزی از از دست دادن یا تخریب احتمالی است، به ویژه چیزی که قبلاً آسیب دیده یا در وضعیت رو به وخامت است. همچنین می تواند به عمل بازیابی چیزی با ارزش یا مفید از مواد یا کالاهای دور ریخته یا رها شده اشاره داشته باشد. در برخی زمینه‌ها، «نجات» همچنین می‌تواند به غرامت پرداخت شده به کسی برای پس‌انداز یا بازیابی چیزی که در غیر این صورت از دست می‌رفت، اشاره کند.

Sentence Examples

  1. She managed to salvage some dry wood from the bottom of the pile and got a fire going in the fireplace.
  2. She needed her strength for things more important than trying to salvage a few dollars.
  3. The fact that a coastguard was the first on board may save some complications, later on, in the Admiralty Court for coastguards cannot claim the salvage which is the right of the first civilian entering on a derelict.
  4. Perhaps not all was lost maybe they could salvage some of the vacation and go for a scuba diving session.
  5. This was because Jeanne had ordered the non-combatant members of her crew to light smoke tubes they had managed to salvage from the Minuit Solaire.
  6. There was nothing she could do about them now, she might as well take them with her and see if she could find a way to salvage them.
  7. Before I could figure out how to salvage things, the washer buzzed underneath me.
  8. The rig had slots for sixteen salvage drones, but the one that had actually come with the rig when she bought it had nearly exploded the first time she powered it up.
  9. He had to try and salvage something from the ensuing years of pain.
  10. This went on for twenty-minutes, while I waited, hoping to salvage what remained of the dwindling evening.