English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai kyau" ita ce "a cikin kyakkyawan yanayi ko ban sha'awa; da kyau." Lalaci ne da ke bayyana wani abu da aka yi da babban salo, kyakkyawa, ko girma. Hakanan yana iya nufin wani abu da aka yi ta hanyar da ke da daɗi, mai daɗi, ko gamsarwa.


  1. magnificently
  2. famously
  3. excellently

Sentence Examples

  1. The duchess came out splendidly attired, and Don Quixote, in pure courtesy and politeness, held the rein of her palfrey, though the duke wanted not to allow him and at last they reached a wood that lay between two high mountains, where, after occupying various posts, ambushes, and paths, and distributing the party in different positions, the hunt began with great noise, shouting, and hallooing, so that, between the baying of the hounds and the blowing of the horns, they could not hear one another.
  2. Her physical promises, hidden by the red dress, were splendidly fulfilled.
  3. I am bound to say Scudder played up splendidly when he came to breakfast.
  4. Franz now looked upon another scene of enchantment the table was splendidly covered, and once convinced of this important point he cast his eyes around him.
  5. Mercédès, although deposed from the exalted position she had occupied, lost in the sphere she had now chosen, like a person passing from a room splendidly lighted into utter darkness, appeared like a queen, fallen from her palace to a hovel, and who, reduced to strict necessity, could neither become reconciled to the earthen vessels she was herself forced to place upon the table, nor to the humble pallet which had become her bed.
  6. From her face grew an iridescent white snout, and from behind, developed a long, splendidly luminescent tail.
  7. The lady was also in green, and so richly and splendidly dressed that splendour itself seemed personified in her.