English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "sananniya" tana cikin sanannen ko kuma sananne; ta hanyar da ake biki ko shahara. Hakanan yana iya yin ma'ana ta hanya mai kyau ko na musamman, ko kuma ta hanyar da ta shahara ko sananne mara kyau. Ainihin, kalmar sanannen ana amfani da ita don bayyana wani abu da aka sani ko kuma sananne ta wata hanya, ko dai a zahiri ko kuma mara kyau.

Sentence Examples

  1. It occurred to Markis that his dad and Spooky would get along famously.
  2. Helped by copious quantities of vintage wine consumed during the sumptuous dinner, he and Moreau were already on first name terms, and appeared to be getting on famously.
  3. Meanwhile they were progressing famously, and John Bunsby was in high hope.
  4. Don Diego Vega was getting along famously with the senorita, they thought Then Don Diego continued the deception by playing his guitar and singing a verse of a song that had to do with bright eyes and love.
  5. It was a difficult life, trying to keep those alive who seemed so desperate to die famously in battle.