English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “yawaita” suna ne da ke nufin adadi, ko iyaka, ko adadin wani abu. Yawancin lokaci ana amfani da shi don bayyana ma'auni ko ƙimar ƙima na wani sifa ko dukiya. Ga ma’anar ƙamus na “ƙididdigewa”:Yawan adadin ko adadin wani abu, musamman wanda za a iya auna ko ƙidaya. . Kayyade ma'auni ko naúrar aunawa. abu. Mai iyaka ko babba the recipe." "Kantinan yana da iyakataccen adadin samfuran da ke cikin hannun jari." "Muna buƙatar sanin adadin kowane sashi da ake buƙata don gwaji." li> "Yawan ruwan sama a wannan yanki yana da yawa a lokacin damina." "Ya sayi litattafai masu yawa don ɗakin karatu na kansa." " Kamfanin yana ba da rangwamen kuɗi don oda mai yawa na wani adadi mai yawa."A taƙaice, "yawan" yana nufin adadin, girma, ko adadin wani abu kuma galibi ana amfani dashi don bayyana ma'auni, lambobi. , ko adadin abubuwa ko kayan aiki.


  1. measure
  2. amount

Sentence Examples

  1. He was so bird-like it seemed hardly credible that he could consume such a quantity of food.
  2. Richard remained stubbornly silent, his hand bringing his cup back up to his mouth, a quantity dribbling down his chin and onto his open doublet.
  3. Throwing out, therefore, a quantity of sand from a canvas bag, which, he lifted with great difficulty, he became stationary in an instant.
  4. The half naked form of Martha, her milky eyes open and gazing sideways blindly, lay spread like a starfish on the floor, her face partially obscured by the quantity of blood that covered it from the gaping wound at her neck.
  5. A large quantity of beer stood on the table and Jack, who appeared drunk, did not move.
  6. Wyatt, however, refused to accept this, and as the evening continued and a quantity of wine was consumed the doom that was upon England raced home as if it were a grim reality upon those assembled.
  7. A quantity more ale than usual was consumed and Jack lost more than his weekly quota of money at cards, but there was little else to mark the season.
  8. In a dangerous situation, you are an unknown quantity.
  9. I then took opportunities of conveying by night, to a retired situation east of Rotterdam, five iron-bound casks, to contain about fifty gallons each, and one of a larger size six tinned ware tubes, three inches in diameter, properly shaped, and ten feet in length a quantity of a particular metallic substance, or semi-metal, which I shall not name, and a dozen demijohns of a very common acid.
  10. To be sure, some bones which were thought to be human, mixed up with a quantity of odd-looking rubbish, had been lately discovered in a retired situation to the east of Rotterdam, and some people went so far as to imagine that in this spot a foul murder had been committed, and that the sufferers were in all probability Hans Pfaall and his associates.