English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "adadin" shine adadin wani abu, yawanci jimillar abu ko abubuwa a lamba, girma, ƙima, iyaka, ko digiri. Hakanan yana iya nufin jimlar kuɗi ko jimlar kuɗin wani abu. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "adadin" azaman fi'ili, ma'ana ƙara ko daidaitawa cikin mahimmanci, ƙima, ko tasiri.

Sentence Examples

  1. Luckily for her, she was small, slight, and light on her feet, and her upbringing guaranteed her a certain amount of dexterity.
  2. No amount of magic within my blood could save me from that poison.
  3. No amount of training could quiet the worries in her mind, no matter how hard she pushed herself.
  4. A decent amount of sheetrock dusted her left arm and leg.
  5. With the amount of energy she was expending training with Kila and working herself up into a state about Lach, she would need the fuel.
  6. Here on Earth, you could only put a small amount of a magic-based energy source into a device like the Chameleon without risking it backfiring on you.
  7. After a significant amount of caffeine enters my bloodstream I answer.
  8. I approached the lat machine to his right, adjusted the seat height, and chose the amount of weight I hoped I could handle.
  9. Their search unearthed a ledger that revealed the shopkeeper was in debt to the tune of an eye-wateringly high amount of gold.
  10. They were both of them gone forever, and no amount of wistful thinking of them being with their Lord would ever lessen the pain of the loss.

TV Series Examples



- l have an outrageous amount of money.