English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "dim" tana da ma'anoni da yawa, dangane da mahallin. Ga wasu ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar:Ba haske ko bayyananne; rashin haske: dakin ya yi haske sosai. m: Umarnin sun ɗan dusashe. Ba wayo ko faɗakarwa ba; a hankali a hankali: Ya ɗan dusashewa. li>Don yin ko zama mai ƙarfi ko aiki: sha'awar sa ga aikin ya dushe cikin lokaci.


  1. blind

Sentence Examples

  1. Coach Oliver had been near the back entrance of Diamond Hall, where the lighting was dim.
  2. My eyes take a few moments to adjust to the dim, the stone floor, high wooden ceiling, and walls of deep red absorbing what little lighting there is.
  3. Sensing the whispers in the dim behind me, I feel uncomfortable and entirely out of place.
  4. He thinks me too dim or too oblivious to notice, I expect.
  5. I spy in the dim a toy cat on the floor beside the sofa and pick it up for a cuddle.
  6. The dim light would prevent him from seeing how pale she had gone.
  7. Her hair was pulled back in a functional knot, and it was difficult to see the color clearly in the dim light of the room, but it seemed darker than it had been when she was younger, the shade now closer to mahogany.
  8. The lighting was dim, but it was enough that I could see the faint shimmer of magic beneath the surface.
  9. The warehouse was very dim, which provided cover of darkness for Cianne but made it difficult for her to see who was below.
  10. Stepping inside the dim, cold hallway, the presence of Celestino seeps from the walls he can almost smell him and half expects his visage to appear in the bright rectangle of light framed by the doorway at the other end.