English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "blocking" ya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi. Ga wasu ma’anoni gama gari: Don hanawa ko hana ci gaba ko motsin wani abu ko wani, kamar yadda yake cikin "Hatsari ya toshe hanyoyin zirga-zirga a kan babbar hanya." Don hana shiga wani abu, kamar a cikin "Kamfanin ya toshe hanyar shiga shafukan sada zumunta a kan hanyar sadarwar su." Don tsayawa ko hana wani yin wani abu, kamar a cikin "Kocin ya hana yunƙurin barin ƙungiyar." A gidan wasan kwaikwayo ko fim, toshewa yana nufin motsi da sanya ƴan wasan kwaikwayo a kan. mataki ko gaban kyamara. /li>Gaba ɗaya, kalmar "block" gabaɗaya tana nufin wani nau'i na toshewa, rigakafi, ko sarrafa motsi ko shiga.


  1. block

Sentence Examples

  1. The bad weather, however, annoyed Passepartout for the accumulation of snow, by blocking the wheels of the cars, would certainly have been fatal to Mr.
  2. The irate man is blocking my full view of the work.
  3. The rubble burst in upon the battle itself, squashing several demons with a nasty squelch and blocking up the passageway.
  4. She turned to do exactly that, when she saw two more guys blocking her way.
  5. Instead, when I reach the end of the beach I turn back, not wanting to enter the bustle of the city, the sight of the Grand Hotel blocking access to the next stretch of promenade enough affront to my sensibilities.
  6. They headed in the opposite direction to the messenger and shortly after their horses stood side by side, blocking the road.
  7. The space was small, his legs were raised up the wall, his back against the other and like some untidy sack of spilled grain he had landed to sag onto the floor partly blocking the door.
  8. We both hit our stride and fall off the edge at the same time, moaning way too loudly and I laugh, thinking of Richard hearing us as he unlocks his door across the hall, hopefully not being able to get inside his room due to the ghostly Theodora blocking his way.
  9. Sintian leaned against the archway, blocking their exit, arms crossed and smiling at their approach.
  10. Sun glinted down the sharpened steel as he easily parried another attack, his blade quickly blocking and deflecting the lethal steel.