English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, “block” yana da ma’anoni da yawa, gami da: Kyakkyawan yanki, yawanci cube ko prism mai rectangular, galibi ana amfani da shi don gini ko azaman kayan gini. Rukunin gine-gine ko gini guda da aka yi iyaka da tituna hudu ko wuraren taruwar jama'a. ma'ajiyar bayanai a kan faifan kwamfuta ko kuma wata hanyar sadarwa ta lantarki. Sashe na rubutu a cikin littafi ko takarda da aka keɓance da sauran rubutun ta hanyar shigar da shi ko rufe shi cikin iyaka. > Wuri mai siffar rectangular a cikin birni ko gari inda ake dakatar da zirga-zirga ta kowane bangare don bawa masu tafiya a ƙasa damar wucewa. Don hanawa ko hana motsi ko ci gaba.Don hana ko hana ayyukan mutum ko shirinsa. , into a block or blocks. Don hana mutum tunawa ko fuskantar wani abu mai ban tsoro. /li >


  1. auction block

Sentence Examples

  1. Paula directs him to some angle parking near a set of boom gates, which block vehicular entry to the road beyond.
  2. Nell had let the ivy grow out of hand to block the windows, not that anyone ever came back here anyway.
  3. I ran around the corner of the nearest office block and went for my communicator, navigating my way to offworld maps and opening one of the city.
  4. To block magic required a substance which had magic origins itself.
  5. I circled the block and found myself heading east, away from the warehouses, towards the sound of traffic.
  6. Glancing down the block, I spotted the lady I was looking for.
  7. Two boys threw a leather ball in the air, as one cast ice from his fingertips to turn the ball into a solid block, the other cast flames to melt it again.
  8. Shirley pulls up in a no-parking bay outside the town hall, a stout building set on its own block and fronted by a small plaza.
  9. Recalling her riffling through that pile of magazines in the kitchen, I move forward and block her exit.
  10. After an hour of creeping along, dark ghosts of buildings looming alongside us the smell of which turned our stomachs, we finally found our block.