English to afrikaans meaning of

die woord "sonsondergang" word gedefinieer as die daaglikse verdwyning van die son onder die westelike horison; ook die atmosferiese verskynsels wat hierdie verdwyning vergesel. Dit kan ook verwys na die kleure en lig wat deur die ondergaande son geproduseer word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Sunset came early there, the mountains stealing a good couple of hours from our days.
  2. Were you friends with someone if you daydreamed about how the sunset made her hair flame gold when you were trying to grade lab quizzes?
  3. It was nearing sunset on the fifth day away from Tormadell when he sat down by the side of the road to rest before finding somewhere safe to spend the night.
  4. I watched it attentively until sunset, when it spread all at once to the eastward and westward, girting in the horizon with a narrow strip of vapor, and looking like a long line of low beach.
  5. Harry had little hope, he would have to wait for rescue or sunset, whichever came first, if rescue was coming.
  6. Genius claims kindred with the very workings of Nature herself, so that a sunset shall seem like a quotation from Dante, and if Shakespeare be read in the very presence of the sea itself, his verses shall but seem nobler for the sublime criticism of ocean.
  7. Bringing a boatload of daywalkers to the camp just as the sunset was a masterstroke of brilliance and madness.
  8. He observed the moon when two days and a half old, in the evening soon after sunset, before the dark part was visible, and continued to watch it until it became visible.
  9. They walked together through the front doors and out into the sunset.
  10. She heard the door unlock and Eliza appeared in a caftan the color of sunset.