English to afrikaans meaning of

die woord "hoes" is 'n werkwoord wat beteken "om lug skielik uit die longe te verdryf met 'n skerp, kort geluid, dikwels onwillekeurig." Dit kan ook as 'n selfstandige naamwoord gebruik word om na die handeling of geluid van hoes te verwys.

Sentence Examples

  1. The moment we pushed through the swinging door, the stench of body spray plugged up my nose and made me cough.
  2. There was a cough sweet left on the side, he quickly dropped it into his white lab coat.
  3. As Brooke waited to be selected, she heard a cough behind her.
  4. A cough on a subway could infect dozens the very air you exhaled could be home to millions of viral particles that floated on the wind ready to contaminate anything they encountered.
  5. Carl gave her a sharp look, and she tried to cover with a slight cough.
  6. Then he affected a very loud cough before pronouncing the usual rehearsed denouement.
  7. A response came from one of the cabinets built into the desk, which began to cough violently.
  8. Somewhere behind us came the scratching sound of Luke working wildly at his desk, punctuated by the occasional cough.
  9. I cough, clearing my throat, earning myself another kiss on the hand.
  10. Hyden snorted and made a very flimsy attempt to cover it up with a cough.