English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "klink" wissel na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:(selfstandige naamwoord) die handeling om die diepte of ander kenmerke van 'n watermassa of die grond te meet deur 'n klanklyn of ander instrument te gebruik Voorbeeld: Die kaptein het 'n klank beveel om die diepte van die see te bepaal.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n geraas of vibrasie wat deur iets geproduseer word Voorbeeld: Die geluid van die alarm het die personeel gewaarsku oor die noodgeval.(byvoeglike naamwoord) blyk waar of redelik te wees; geldig of gegrond Voorbeeld: Die voorstel was klinkend en het 'n goeie kans gehad om goedgekeur te word.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n doelbewuste uitdrukking van mening of houding Voorbeeld: Die politikus se toespraak was vol klanke oor die belangrikheid van demokrasie.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n maatstaf van die interne kapasiteit van 'n houer, veral 'n vat, gelyk aan die inhoud van die houer wanneer dit tot die rand gevul is Voorbeeld: Die wyn is verkoop deur die klank, wat gelyk was aan ongeveer 126 liter.

Sentence Examples

  1. Bullets whizzed over their heads, sounding shockingly similar to the near hits Lance had heard in a hundred action movies.
  2. As the sheriff passed Sorcha, the woman touched her hair, lowered her eyes, and provided him with a sultry sounding hello.
  3. They saw the galleys along the beach, which, lowering their awnings, displayed themselves decked with streamers and pennons that trembled in the breeze and kissed and swept the water, while on board the bugles, trumpets, and clarions were sounding and filling the air far and near with melodious warlike notes.
  4. A couple pained bellows rang out from behind them both, followed by a pair of similar sounding thumps.
  5. His voice is low and his tone is soft, almost sounding like a hum from an aria.
  6. At one moment it seemed to him that he was in the cave of Montesinos and saw Dulcinea, transformed into a country wench, skipping and mounting upon her she-ass again that the words of the sage Merlin were sounding in his ears, setting forth the conditions to be observed and the exertions to be made for the disenchantment of Dulcinea.
  7. Before he could turn and assess, before he could comprehend, Kallan took up his sword and unsheathed Gramm, its blade ringing out as if sounding off the opening note to his dirge.
  8. He sputtered and ran his scales sounding like Chumley the Walrus as he returned to consciousness.
  9. A soft chuckle erupted behind her, so similar sounding was the chuckle she thought Arantay had returned.
  10. The monstrous weapon pinwheeled through the air, filling it with a deadly sounding hum, before embedding itself deep into the meat of the trunk with a resounding thunk.