English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek is die woord "robot" 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na 'n masjien wat in staat is om take outonoom of semi-outonoom uit te voer, gewoonlik geprogrammeer om spesifieke funksies uit te voer. Robotte kan óf fisiese masjiene óf virtuele entiteite wees, en hulle kan ontwerp word vir 'n wye reeks toepassings, insluitend vervaardiging, outomatisering, eksplorasie, vermaak en meer. Die term "robot" is vir die eerste keer deur die Tsjeggiese skrywer Karel Capek in sy toneelstuk "R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)" in 1920 geskep, en dit het sedertdien 'n wyd gebruikte term geword om masjiene te beskryf wat take kan verrig wat tipies menslike intelligensie sal vereis en vermoëns.


  1. automaton
  2. golem

Sentence Examples

  1. As he placed the ladder in front of the robot, the final explosion from the other building went off, blowing out the windows of the warehouse and causing the ground to shake.
  2. This time the robot made a loud clicking noise and its hands whirred electronically.
  3. The meal was a surreal experience, being served dinner by a robot, whilst creatures of every shape and size could be seen through the window.
  4. He returned to the schematics as if deep in thought, tracing his finger over the circuits of the robot.
  5. As she was about ready to get up she caught a small movement from the tiny robot.
  6. He stepped onto the ladder and started working at the panel on the front of the robot.
  7. Running down the length of the building, in front of the robot formation, he found no door at the opposite corner, so he ran to the next wall.
  8. I was the one who broke your favorite Star Wars guy, the gold robot.
  9. She promised Chahara she would help with the final software changes that would allow the robot to work with the remote control.
  10. He reached for the handset, his rigid arm outstretched like a robot.