English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "golem" is 'n wese of wese in Joodse folklore wat uit klei of modder geskep word en deur 'n ritueel of beswering tot lewe gebring word. In sommige verhale word die golem geskep om sy skepper te dien en te beskerm, terwyl dit in ander onbeheerbaar word en verwoesting saai. Die konsep van die golem is ook in literatuur en populêre kultuur gebruik om te verwys na enige kunsmatig geskape wese of entiteit wat 'n gebrek aan vrye wil of bewussyn het.

Sentence Examples

  1. He was encased in boxy metal plate armor so that it impossible to know if it was a giant in armor or a golem.
  2. A golem in Titantower actually made it his job to jump out and scare Venators several times a day.
  3. Evan wrenched his weapon free, but the golem took aim and let loose.
  4. The golem slugged at his head, but Evan ducked at the last second, feeling the displaced air where the golem almost smashed his brain to goo.
  5. He whirled to see the gargoyle make a beeline for Jed, whilst the golem staggered towards him, its mechanical mouth gaping.
  6. His neighbour was a mechanical golem with a rifle built into its left arm and what looked like a bazooka on the right.
  7. The gargoyle and the golem leaped from their perches and charged.
  8. A few seconds later the fire flickered out and the golem still stood, scorched, but otherwise unhurt.