English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "rapporteer" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat afgelei is van die werkwoord "rapporteer." Dit verwys na die handeling of proses om 'n rekenskap te gee of inligting oor iets aan te bied, tipies op 'n formele of georganiseerde wyse. Verslaggewing behels die insameling, ondersoek en oordra van feite of besonderhede aan 'n beoogde gehoor, dikwels deur middel van skriftelike of verbale wyse.In 'n breër sin kan verslaggewing ook die praktyk aandui om nuus, gebeure, of inligting te dokumenteer en te kommunikeer. bevindinge, veral op die gebied van joernalistiek. Dit is die noodsaaklike funksie van joernaliste om oor verskeie onderwerpe verslag te doen en akkurate en tydige inligting aan die publiek te lewer.Verder kan verslaggewing spesifieke toepassings hê in verskeie domeine, soos finansiële verslaggewing, waar dit verband hou met die voorbereiding en aanbieding van finansiële inligting, state of verslae vir organisasies, regulerende liggame of belanghebbendes. Net so, in die konteks van besigheid of bestuur, behels verslagdoening die samestelling en ontleding van data om verslae te skep wat besluitneming aanhelp of insig gee in die prestasie van 'n maatskappy of spesifieke bedrywighede.Oor die algemeen, die term "verslagdoening" dui op die handeling om inligting oor te dra, dikwels op 'n gestruktureerde wyse, om ander oor 'n spesifieke onderwerp, gebeurtenis of situasie in te lig, te dokumenteer of op te dateer.


  1. coverage
  2. reportage

Sentence Examples

  1. He lacked the grace and fluidity in his reporting style that his female counterpart possessed.
  2. When Roly called him directly after reporting the accident, Bill rushed to the scene.
  3. I also instituted regular, formal project status reporting to keep Fred fully informed and to assure that projects were on track and getting results.
  4. In the finance arena, I had provided project managers with better reporting on their spending.
  5. Souter had been reporting on me to my son, had he?
  6. Richard had worked for him, originally as a scribe, but eventually condensing communications and reporting directly to Seymour on information received.
  7. By the time the news channels are reporting on the devastated Thai capital, the virus has already spread around the globe.
  8. I knew reporting him to management was a nonstarter.
  9. Among other things, he said the governor was against him, not to lose the presents his relations made him for reporting him still mad but with lucid intervals and that the worst foe he had in his misfortune was his large property for in order to enjoy it his enemies disparaged and threw doubts upon the mercy our Lord had shown him in turning him from a brute beast into a man.
  10. The BBC is reporting on its website that the Xavier virus has landed in Western Europe.