English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "relevant" is "nou verbonde aan of toepaslik by die saak ter sprake; pertinent." Met ander woorde, iets wat relevant is, is belangrik en van toepassing op die onderwerp of situasie wat bespreek of oorweeg word. Dit is sinvol en het 'n direkte invloed op die aangeleentheid wat oorweeg word.

Sentence Examples

  1. This is relevant because, as we drove along, we were about to experience very turbulent weather and very large hailstones.
  2. After making contact, I visited a number of organizations where I thought I had relevant skills and experience and interviewed for potential job openings.
  3. He wanted to protest, but he gave her a curt nod and, crouching so low he was all but crawling, made his way into his office, where he began going through his papers, grabbing the notes relevant to the conspiracy.
  4. So even if the whole document was decoded little sense could ever be made of it as the relevant sections would be out of order.
  5. Since it was like one continuous book, they would have to walk by the entire thing, only stopping at the relevant sections.
  6. Note that not all questions are relevant to the Inquiry at hand, so asking more may even be less, by distracting or confusing you.
  7. Surveys are versatile, can be as long as you want, and can focus on a topic relevant to you or your specific client population.
  8. He was still in the phase where, like the ink that a pen contains had coagulated during the night, he needed a bit of a relevant jolt to get going.
  9. In a rush, that of a gameshow contestant knowing the correct answer but terrified at the idea of being beaten to it by his opponent, Babis violently pressed the relevant button to open the message.
  10. I suggested to Dave that the next step would be to get all of the relevant parties together for a one-to-two-day meeting to begin working through the details of a start-up plan and a deal.