English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "regime" is soos volg:Selfstandige naamwoord:'n Stelsel of patroon van reëls, regulasies of beleide wat 'n spesifieke gebied beheer of domein, wat dikwels in die konteks van regering of politiek gebruik word.'n Bepaalde administrasie of regering aan bewind, dikwels gekenmerk deur sy beleide, beginsels of praktyke.'n Voorgeskrewe plan of roetine, wat dikwels verband hou met gesondheid of fiksheid, gemik op die bereiking van 'n spesifieke doel of uitkoms.Voorbeeldsinne:Die nuwe regime het streng regulasies geïmplementeer om te beheer besoedeling.Die outoritêre regime het onenigheid en vryheid van spraak toegeslaan.Sy het 'n streng oefenregime gevolg om haar fiksheidsvlakke te verbeter.Let wel: Die betekenis en gebruik van woorde kan verskil na gelang van die konteks, daarom is dit altyd belangrik om die spesifieke konteks waarin die woord gebruik word in ag te neem vir 'n meer akkurate interpretasie.


  1. authorities
  2. government

Sentence Examples

  1. They have worked too hard to be accepted as part of the regime only for them to be found out now.
  2. By the second week of our new training regime, improvements could be seen everywhere.
  3. Artama would likely be training the girls in throwing weapons when they began their training regime.
  4. Still, the current family regime had not lost any significant territory in over half a century.
  5. Then I found my notebook and added deep breathing exercises to my training regime.
  6. But life was stifling and excruciatingly boring under the communist regime.
  7. When Lach had begun bringing the glass trinkets back for her, she had quickly determined that they made perfect additions to her practice regime, adding new challenges to familiar routines.
  8. But now it is the Soviets themselves, by way of Gorbachev, who are cautioning the Honecker regime to back down.
  9. For the first time a demonstration has been authorized by the powers that be, a reflection perhaps of the new outlook of the regime since Honecker has stepped down, but even so the new leader is not popular.
  10. Tarkyn suspected that the wary woodfolk would watch his interchanges with the wizard and take their time to gauge where they fitted into the new regime that Stormaway had brought back with him.