English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "voorgeskryf" is om die gebruik van 'n spesifieke medisyne, behandeling of terapie vir 'n pasiënt deur 'n mediese beroep aan te beveel of te magtig. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling van die opstel van reëls of riglyne wat gevolg moet word, tipies deur 'n beheerliggaam of owerheid. Boonop kan "voorgeskryf" gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat deur 'n owerheid bestel of aangewys word, soos 'n voorgeskrewe kleredragkode vir 'n werkplek of skool.

Sentence Examples

  1. He diagnosed Wendy with bronchitis and prescribed antibiotics and cough medicine, which his assistant dispensed.
  2. He had been prescribed pills, according to the doctor he would feel better in a few weeks.
  3. Presently she woke, and I gave her food, as Van Helsing had prescribed.
  4. After they were read, I was demanded to swear to the performance of them, first in the manner of my own country, and afterwards in the methods prescribed by their laws, which was to hold my right foot in my left hand, and to place the middle finger of my right hand on the crown of my head, and my thumb on the tip of my right ear.
  5. The doctors, anxious for my lungs, had prescribed the air of Naples.
  6. Mademoiselle de Villefort may retire during the prescribed three months to her estate of Saint-Méran I say hers, for she inherits it today.