English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "strop" is 'n lus met 'n lopende knoop, wat tipies gebruik word om iemand op te hang of diere vas te vang. Dit kan ook verwys na enige lus wat in 'n tou of koord gemaak word, veral een wat styf trek wanneer dit getrek word. Daarbenewens kan die woord metafories gebruik word om te verwys na 'n situasie of omstandigheid wat moeilik is om van te ontsnap, asof dit in 'n strop vasgevang is.

Sentence Examples

  1. The brazier down here cast the room in heavy shadows that tightened around his throat like a noose.
  2. I seen him step up on that stool and hold her, so he could slip the noose off.
  3. He climbed the tree and placed the noose over his head.
  4. She gestured lazily at the noose and the knot unravelled, pitching Marcus to the ground.
  5. Jed, Burrell and Decker had been brought up in Thantos, where anything to do with witches, wizards, and unearthly creepy stuff was met with the sword, the noose or burning, or all three.
  6. Donte turned back toward her and raised his hand, revealing the neck and strings of the broken instrument, dangling like a man on a noose.
  7. Jealousy slipped a noose around his heart and tugged.
  8. His oath to the ghost had settled around him like a noose, drawing ever tighter.
  9. He reached up and attempted to pull himself out of the noose he was not strong enough, and the pain was enormous.
  10. It slithered up her body like an invisible hand and looped around her throat like a noose.