English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "geprewel" is om woorde in 'n lae, onduidelike toon te praat of uit te spreek, dikwels asof jy met jouself praat, of om op 'n brom- of klaende manier te praat, veral onder jou asem. Dit kan ook verwys na die klank wat gemaak word wanneer jy op hierdie manier praat, wat gewoonlik gekenmerk word deur 'n lae, dreunende of murmurerende kwaliteit.


  1. croak
  2. murmur
  3. gnarl
  4. grumble

Sentence Examples

  1. Adele came next, and she at least had the decency to mutter thanks before she took her bowl and went off to sit quietly by herself.
  2. However, all that came out was a nearly inaudible mutter about having an appointment before she departed abruptly.
  3. Cam thought he heard Eden mutter something about it not taking that long, but before he could say anything, their meals were delivered.
  4. And the youthful lieutenant, recollecting himself, began to mutter softly in black curses.
  5. Still she held him, offering the apple smeared with blood and willing herself to mutter the words she had never learned, the words that could no longer save him.
  6. It came with the wind through the silence of the night, a long, deep mutter, then a rising howl, and then the sad moan in which it died away.
  7. Only then did he dither and mutter that a brief meeting might be possible.