English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "mishandel" is om iemand of iets sleg, wreed of onregverdig te behandel, wat dikwels skade of besering tot gevolg het. Dit kan verwys na fisiese, emosionele of sielkundige mishandeling, verwaarlosing of uitbuiting, en kan aksies behels soos slaan, beledig, bespot of verwaarloos. Mishandeling kan opsetlik of onopsetlik wees, en kan in 'n verskeidenheid kontekste voorkom, insluitend persoonlike verhoudings, werkplekke, instellings en die samelewing in die algemeen.


  1. abused
  2. ill-treated
  3. maltreated

Sentence Examples

  1. If Achmed was to say he had been mistreated in any way all his evidence would be dismissed as harassment by the police.
  2. Will did not know anyone who would take her and did not wish to see Lucky abused or mistreated.
  3. However, they had placed a burlap sack over her head to make sure things went as smoothly as possible the Austrians probably believed their native daughter had been horribly mistreated, and while that was not too far from the truth, the knights had decided to indulge this slight misconception.
  4. She has been mistreated for years and he has not made any attempt to correct the situation.