English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord verwys "slang" tipies na 'n buigsame buis, dikwels gemaak van rubber of plastiek, wat gebruik word om vloeistowwe of gasse te vervoer. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n kledingstuk wat die bene en voete bedek, wat deur mans of vroue gedra word vir warmte of beskerming.As 'n werkwoord beteken "slang" om met 'n stroom water te spuit of te was, of om iemand uit geld of besittings te bedrieg of te bedrieg.Hier is 'n paar voorbeeldsinne wat die woord "slang" in verskillende kontekste gebruik:Die brandweerman het die slang gegryp en begin water op die brandende gebou spuit.Sy het 'n paar swart slang by haar rok gedra.Hy was so kwaad toe hy uitvind hy is in die transaksie ingesluk. Ek moet die oprit afspoel om van al die vuilgoed en blare ontslae te raak.

Sentence Examples

  1. I turn off the hose and hurry to answer it, my heartbeat quickening.
  2. Peter was coiling up the hose, done with his work.
  3. After investigating, I determined that the drain hose from the washer had come out of the drain pipe and irrigated the floor.
  4. A garden hose and a few odd items of flat-packed furniture.
  5. We will attach remotely activated Zyklon B canisters inside the air intake for each unit and attach the hose to the heating and air conditioning port connector on each aircraft.
  6. Like fighting off a lava flow with a garden hose, it merely crusted the surface until the magma moved on and swept it away.
  7. In fact, he knew just what to do and showed up with an ax and hollered at me to get the hose and water going.
  8. The upraised vessel was violently ripped from his hands, its contents spilt over jacket and hose before landing with a metallic clank against the kitchen door.
  9. Sure enough, there was Peter, wearing running shorts and a white t-shirt, wrestling a red hose around to the side of a glistening vintage cherry-red Mustang convertible parked in his back driveway.
  10. Someone drug a watering hose and began to spray down the cabins.