English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "wal" is 'n verhoogde wal of muur van aarde of ander materiaal, dikwels langs die kant van 'n rivier of kanaal gebou om oorstromings of erosie te voorkom. Walle kan ook gebruik word om paaie, spoorweë of ander strukture te ondersteun, of om 'n versperring teen geraas of visuele indringing te bied.

Sentence Examples

  1. Two volcanoes rise out of the coastal plain, one close by, the other partially obscured by the embankment of the main road.
  2. She pulled the Spider onto a gravel embankment and paused to admire the garden.
  3. She climbed the embankment with them surrounding her.
  4. The limo smashed through the overpass embankment, sending large chunks of broken concrete onto the freeway below.
  5. Her hands were shaking by the time they pulled up at the bottom of the embankment.
  6. Bernard had a very desirable place on the Chelsea Embankment, right across from Battersea Park.
  7. Dantès made no resistance he was like a man in a dream he saw soldiers drawn up on the embankment he knew vaguely that he was ascending a flight of steps he was conscious that he passed through a door, and that the door closed behind him but all this indistinctly as through a mist.
  8. Lance led Jack down the embankment and along the dry riverbed to the storm drain entrance, but balked at going in.
  9. The spinning, swerving limo passed directly beneath him and smashed into the concrete embankment of the overpass.
  10. Then it was he discovered that the form of Uncas vanished, and that he beheld only the dark outline of an inequality in the embankment.