English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "indringend" is:Neig om te versprei of in te dring op; indringend.(Van 'n spesie) wat in 'n nuwe gebied ingebring word en skade aan inheemse spesies of ekosisteme veroorsaak.(Van 'n mediese prosedure) wat die inbring van instrumente of ander voorwerpe in die liggaam.(Van gedagtes of gevoelens) onwelkom of opdringerig.

Sentence Examples

  1. Population has grown since rats have become an invasive species on Luddeccea.
  2. After he was done, he also said that he needed to inject Gwen and Jordan with another mixture which was supposed to help them both overcome any of the possible side effects of having the invasive materials inside of them, and to help Jordan recover easier when the Centrigenix wore off.
  3. A swipe of clammy palms on jeans, then she wrapped arms across her chest against the sudden autumn chill and the more invasive one inside.
  4. I could feel defeat mutating in my body, trying to overtake my healthy cells, like a new strain of invasive cancer.
  5. The musty, unkept odor of her apartment seemed more invasive than usual, inviting her in obnoxiously.
  6. I took a few more sips of wine and searched for a less invasive topic of discussion.
  7. There were a few daywalker vamps and at least fifteen shifters, and while their auras were invasive, those radiating from the dozen or so mages were plain unsettling.