English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "het" kan verskeie verskillende betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike woordeboekbetekenisse:Om iets te besit of te besit: "Ek het 'n kar."Om iets te ervaar of te ondergaan: "Ek het 'n hoofpyn." Om iets vas te hou of te dra: "Ek het 'n sak."Om verplig of verplig te word om iets te doen: "Ek moet gaan werk."Om iets te verteer of daaraan deel te neem: "Ek eet elke oggend ontbyt."Om 'n sekere kwaliteit of eienskap uit te stal of te wys: "Sy het 'n talent om te sing." Om in 'n toestand van iets te hê of te ervaar: "Ek is verkoue."Om iets te ontvang of gegee te word: "Ek het jou boodskap ontvang."Om te verstaan of gryp iets: "Ek het 'n idee van wat jy bedoel."Om iets te bereik of te bereik: "Sy het haar doel bereik."


  1. deliver
  2. birth
  3. bear
  4. give birth

Sentence Examples

  1. Or he could have been the person who knocked Abby on her head and pushed her down the stairs.
  2. Not all of us have the freedom to come and go or choose what projects we work on.
  3. Nana D planned to start a petition to have the councilman removed from office because of his sweaty hands.
  4. Since Lorraine had run the department this semester while the previous office manager, Siobhan, took maternity leave, she might have some idea what was going on with grading processes.
  5. Facial recognition has helped our operations, although a few people have gotten in without proper access.
  6. I was just here in December, and you could have said something.
  7. Have you given up on life, or did it give up on you?
  8. Could things have gone sour between them, and he was somehow involved in her death?
  9. I might have a harder time trying to reestablish a friendship than expected.
  10. The woman must have smacked her skull hard when she fell, to cause it to bleed like that.

TV Series Examples



The white walkers have been gone



How many times have l told you?



You have five northern children.



l should have gone back to the Wall



They were meant to have them.



Did you have to bury her