English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "aflewer" is om iets na 'n persoon, plek of ding te bring of te vervoer, dikwels met die implikasie dat die item wat afgelewer word van belang of betekenis is. Die woord kan ook beteken om geboorte te gee aan 'n baba of om iemand uit gevaar te red. Daarbenewens kan "lewer" verwys na die handeling om op 'n formele manier te praat of op te tree, soos om 'n toespraak te lewer of 'n pakket af te lewer. Ander verwante betekenisse van "lewer" sluit in om 'n belofte na te kom of uit te voer, om oor te gee of op te gee, en om iets vry te laat of te ontslaan, soos om 'n hou te gee of 'n uitspraak te lewer.

Sentence Examples

  1. He took out the bundle of letters, which he had been planning to deliver himself, but something made him change his mind.
  2. Sniglog directed her round the kitchen, explaining all the various equipment and the basics of cooking here, before having her deliver plate after plate of strange food across the corridor into the gigantic Banquet chamber.
  3. I had to do a lot of haggling to get them to deliver once a week, and when I succeeded, she told me if I ever needed a favor, to give her a call.
  4. Deliver Shirley her car with a broad grin on my face.
  5. She planned to scan and enter them into the student system for me, then return them to my desk, so I could deliver them to the class the following week.
  6. Connor instructed Officer Flatman to deliver the note to the sheriff as soon as possible.
  7. Peter himself had been a part of the pack that had pursued Richard when Jack, for some reason unknown, had changed sides and rescued him from, according to Harry, the certain death he had been about to deliver.
  8. I was in it with them, and I let these emotions fuel my writing, working to deliver the best possible story.
  9. Harry wanted Richard alive he wished to deliver the ultimate gift to Robert to toy with as he wished.
  10. I deliver a hard blow, the nails piercing through the skin of its haunches.

TV Series Examples



lf you deliver the message...



Now pivot as you deliver the stroke.



lf you deliver a message from me...