English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n werkwoord is die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "beer":Om die gewig van iets of iemand te ondersteun, hetsy fisies of emosioneel.Om iets moeilik of onaangenaam te verdra of te verduur.Om geboorte te gee aan of nageslag voort te bring.Om iets te dra of oor te dra, is die betekenis van die woorde'n Groot vleisetende soogdier met ruwe hare, 'n baie kort stert en vyf tone aan elke voet toegerus met groot kloue, soos die bruinbeer, ysbeer of swart beer.'n Ruwe, stewige of onbeskofte persoon.'n Persoon wat aandele, effekte, of kommoditeite verkoop, en dus 'n daling in die noorde, of kommoditeit maak. n halfrond, wat die sterre bevat wat die buitelyn van die Groot Beer en die Klein Beer vorm.

Sentence Examples

  1. To study those pictures, to let his eyes travel over the attentive lines his father had drawn, to imagine the day his father had given the precious book to him, were memories too painful for him to bear at that time.
  2. Robby had been there before, and although he had taken nothing the first time, the pull of the silver plate was more than he could bear.
  3. He cupped her breasts in his hands, learning their contours, the feeling of her stiff nipples against his palms so heady he could hardly bear it.
  4. Unable to bear it any longer, he slipped her shirt and shift up over her head as well, his breath catching at his first glimpse of her.
  5. I was even more astonished when, as it dashed past me, it transformed into a huge shaggy black bear and continued running with a fast shuffling gait.
  6. Unable to bear it any longer, he lowered his head, his lips claiming hers.
  7. I was aiming for a little bear, and it was starting to take shape.
  8. Abit gave him a bear hug before he got in the car.
  9. Even so, only the Battle Masters in the employ of the royal family had the financial backing to bear the best arms and armor Metal Shapers could craft.
  10. Ruby, her daughter, held tenaciously onto the teddy bear, the last semblance of a childhood that had been ripped from her.

TV Series Examples



Ser Jorah Mormont of Bear lsland.



Can the treasury bear such expense?



Joffrey will bear these scars



Some of you bear the names