English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "swaarlik" is "op 'n baie ernstige of ernstige manier; groot pyn, lyding of hartseer veroorsaak; uiters skadelik of nadelig."

Sentence Examples

  1. I guessed his meaning, and my good fortune gave me so much presence of mind, that I resolved not to struggle in the least as he held me in the air above sixty feet from the ground, although he grievously pinched my sides, for fear I should slip through his fingers.
  2. As you could read, I went out of my way to report in detail how grievously the police and the justice system did let you down after you had reported that your husband had been poisoned.
  3. The cut of her teeth in his neck still hurt, but his feelings were hurt more grievously, and he sat down and weakly whimpered.
  4. Learn then from this story not to fear the fruits of the past, but rather to be circumspect in the future, that those foul passions whereby our family has suffered so grievously may not again be loosed to our undoing.

TV Series Examples



l was grievously sorry to hear of your troubles