English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "grasveld" is 'n grondgebied wat meestal met gras bedek is en min bome het. Grasvelde staan ook bekend as prairies, savannas of weivelde, en hulle word tipies aangetref in streke waar die klimaat te droog is om woude te ondersteun, maar nie droog genoeg om as 'n woestyn beskou te word nie. Grasvelde is belangrike ekosisteme wat 'n wye verskeidenheid wild ondersteun, insluitend weidende diere soos bisons en takbokke, en roofdiere soos wolwe en groot katte. Hulle verskaf ook belangrike weiveld vir vee en word dikwels vir boerdery of boerdery gebruik.

Sentence Examples

  1. She looked again, seeing the rough grassland and patches of heather dotted with the lichen-stained rocks that lay scattered all over Dachaigh, her home island.
  2. Suddenly the forest disappeared and we sprinted across open grassland, buildings visible about a mile from us.
  3. There was a small field for the pigs and chickens to roam that took up most of the grassland west side.
  4. Acres and acres of grassland surrounded the five castles, ending at the city on one side and the forest at the other.