English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "flop" kan veelvuldige interpretasies hê, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:Om skielik en swaar te val, te laat val of ineen te stort, asof jy nie krag of ondersteuning het nie.Om sleg te misluk of onsuksesvol te wees, veral op 'n vernederende of verleentheid manier.In rekenaars is "flop" 'n afkorting vir "drywende punt-bewerkings per sekonde," wat 'n maatstaf is van 'n rekenaar se verwerkingspoed vir numeriese berekeninge wat desimale punte insluit. 'n Klank wat gemaak word deur iets sag en swaar wat val of 'n oppervlak tref.'n Term wat in poker gebruik word om 'n hand te beskryf wat sterk lyk, maar blyk swak te wees na al die kaarte geopenbaar is.


  1. collapse

Sentence Examples

  1. And an epic flop was as big a sin as there was in Hollywood.
  2. My stomach did a flip flop as I stared for a moment.
  3. Unfortunately my strength failed and I started the beginning of a belly flop.
  4. Telescope moved the jawbone rifle to the other side of his hip and let his boa-constrictor-like arms flop beside himself while he propped his gun between his elbow and his hip.
  5. I was supposed to look myself in the eye, but I kept honing in on the mountain range of zits running across my forehead, the greasy shine covering my nose, the matted flop of hair on my head.
  6. I had a very vivid image in my head of me doing a giant belly flop onto the ground in front of him.
  7. For the first time since seeing Heaton flop into the lake, some movement caught my eye.
  8. The massive splash from her back flop drenched Flori again just as she had risen to her feet in the waist-deep water.