English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vin" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n Afgeplatte aanhangsel aan die liggaam van visse en sekere seesoogdiere, wat gebruik word vir voortstuwing en balans.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n Lem -agtige projeksie op 'n voorwerp, soos die vlerk van 'n vliegtuig of die stert van 'n branderplank, wat gebruik word vir stabiliteit of beheer.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n Geldeenheid van Finland, gelyk aan een honderdste van 'n euro .(selfstandige naamwoord) Slangterm vir 'n vyf-dollar-biljet in die Verenigde State.(werkwoord) Om 'n vin of vinne te voorsien of toe te rus.Voorbeelde:Die haai se vin het deur die water gesny terwyl dit geswem het.Die vliegtuig se vinne het hom gehelp om bestendig in die lug te bly. Die prys van die item was gelys as 15,99 Finse vinne.Ek het 'n verfrommelde vin in my sak gekry en dit gebruik om 'n koppie koffie te koop.Die boot was vinne met slanke metaal aanhangsels vir spoed en manoeuvreerbaarheid.

Sentence Examples

  1. One of the two brothers that created the airships reported seeing a fin once, but he went mad before he died, so no one believed him.
  2. He sunk his longknife into the back of the Jhalgon, near the fin.
  3. The boys watched as the fin came toward them, then flopped over in the water.
  4. It was very high up, Gordon thought, probably to avoid the shadow fin creatures.
  5. Trunculin knew that leaving at night was dangerous with the fin creatures, but he had no choice.
  6. There have been too many sightings of those shadow fin things for the airships to be travelling at night.
  7. No one bothered him as he walked, staring at the huge fin he was grasping.
  8. The younger brother had just come up with it, triumphantly, when he saw the fin.
  9. Brenddel stood up on shaky legs, grabbed the fin, and made his way to the docks.
  10. As the airship went down not far from them, Gordon saw the other large fin break the surface of the water and swim towards the airship.