English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "verleentheid" is 'n gevoel van selfbewustheid, skaamte of ongemaklikheid wat voortspruit uit 'n moeilike, ongemaklike of verleentheid situasie of deur dwaas, dom of onvoldoende te voel. Dit kan ook verwys na die toestand van verleë of die daad om iemand verleë te laat voel.

Sentence Examples

  1. When she had been younger the direct eye contact had made Cianne giggle in embarrassment, but now her face was serene as she moved.
  2. Tarkyn picked up a feeling of embarrassment but no explanation.
  3. It would make me feel better about interrupting their conversation and let them quickly cool down, so there was no embarrassment over their argument.
  4. Cianne permitted herself to blush, though in reality it was due to alarm and not embarrassment.
  5. I head through to the kitchen, recalling with anguish and a measure of embarrassment the desperate solitude I endured in the aftermath of the birth, absolute whenever Celestino was at work in his studio, which was more often than not.
  6. Embarrassment and frustration finally got the upper hand and tears welled up unwanted in her eyes, threatening at the slightest sharp movement to spill forth in tell-tale tracks down her cheeks.
  7. Shame and embarrassment flooded through her as she dropped her head in her hands.
  8. Gibson now spent most of his time sulking and brooding over the embarrassment of their failure.
  9. Lance fought back a blush of embarrassment as Arthur took a step closer.
  10. The young woman stood waiting, her face flushed with embarrassment.