English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verplasing" is die aksie om iets van sy oorspronklike of gewone posisie of plek te verskuif, of die toestand waarin dit op so 'n manier beweeg word. Dit kan ook verwys na die vervanging van een ding vir 'n ander, of die verwydering van iemand of iets uit 'n plek of posisie, dikwels as gevolg van geweld of konflik. In fisika verwys verplasing na die afstand en rigting van 'n voorwerp se posisieverandering vanaf sy beginpunt, dikwels gemeet in meter of ander lengte-eenhede.

Sentence Examples

  1. Such a degree of military displacement was unknown.
  2. He could feel the fugue of confused displacement in them.
  3. With the return of consciousness came a feeling of massive displacement, the like of which he had not felt since he awakened a few days ago.
  4. Nella felt a strange sense of displacement, again realizing that the world would go on, was going on, almost without change.
  5. Less austere than refugee camps the world over, the accommodations still underscored their displacement, as the fog of the unknown hung with no real answer coming soon as to when, or if, they could ever go home again.
  6. Murdock thought him nice enough, and Smith had some hobby experience in working with leather before their displacement.