English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gooi" is om (iemand of iets) uit 'n groep te kies of te kies, dikwels gebaseer op sekere kriteria, en hulle van die res te skei vir 'n spesifieke doel. Dit kan ook beteken om (iets) wat as ongewens of minderwaardig beskou word, te verwyder of weg te gooi, tipies uit 'n groter groep of versameling. Daarbenewens kan dit verwys na die doodmaak of verwydering van diere, veral swakker of oortollige diere, uit 'n trop of groep vir bestuurs- of beheerdoeleindes.

Sentence Examples

  1. By the time he returned, Cull was leaned back against the raised bed, eyes closed.
  2. Not wanting to give the shooter a bead on his location, he pursed his lips into the bird whistle he and Cull had used when playing in the woods as kids.
  3. A low groan from Cull as he kissed her, then lifted his lips.
  4. Humanity is just a pest to her, and if its growth is not decelerated, Nature will find a way to cull the herd a way which will not discriminate.