English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Hofgebou is 'n gebou waar regshowe gehou word, en regsgedinge soos verhore, verhore en ander geregtelike prosesse plaasvind. Dit is 'n regeringsgebou wat fasiliteite bied vir regters, prokureurs, hofpersoneel en die publiek wat by regsaangeleenthede betrokke is. Die hofgebou bevat tipies hofsale, regterskamers, juriekamers, aanhoudingselle en kantore vir hofpersoneel.

Sentence Examples

  1. He thought about waiting on the courthouse steps and eavesdropping.
  2. A year later, Michael and I made our appearance at the courthouse.
  3. Thankfully my trip to the courthouse last week sealed the deal.
  4. I knew about this tunnel since I help build this courthouse.
  5. On his first trip around the block he noticed a police truck discharging escorted prisoners in front of the courthouse.
  6. Ironically, the office building was across the street from the courthouse.
  7. Forty-one THE courthouse, Tom imagined, got designed as a Gothic structure in dark and solemn stone to make visitors feel reverent in the presence of high authority.
  8. A few minutes later they came to the edge of a town and moved toward the courthouse in the distance, highlighted by the rising sun.
  9. The last page before the tear was about Asheville, and the first page after the tear featured Jefferson and the Ashe County Courthouse.
  10. The imagined courthouse scene was easily and stereotypically set.