English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "najaag" is die handeling om iets te volg of daarna te streef. Dit behels dikwels om 'n poging aan te wend, aktief te soek of betrokke te raak by 'n bepaalde handeling met die doel om 'n doel of gewenste uitkoms te bereik. Dit kan ook verwys na die daad om iemand of iets in 'n letterlike of figuurlike sin na te jaag, soos om te jaag, op te spoor of te probeer vasvang of verstaan.

Sentence Examples

  1. Leaders emerged to light the path, pursuing social change and freedom from the shackles of empire.
  2. Passepartout began very seriously to conjecture what strange chance kept Fix still on the route that his master was pursuing.
  3. Lance knew Arthur had no idea where to go or how to elude the pursuing police cars, and neither did he.
  4. He unloaded bullets into the pursuing horde until his gun clicked empty.
  5. When Innocent III and Martin Luther were not pursuing religious change, they played chess.
  6. Pursuing our connectivity deity, collecting our digital friends along the way, we are oblivious to the straight line thinking we support just like GDP, driving the graph of electric impulses ever upwards.
  7. He too had devoted his life to upholding justice and pursuing the truth, despite the little good it had done him.
  8. He thought of pursuing Fogg across the vast white plains it did not seem impossible that he might overtake him.
  9. Three days before, Phileas Fogg had been a criminal, who was being desperately followed up by the police now he was an honourable gentleman, mathematically pursuing his eccentric journey round the world.
  10. The pursuing crowd were not stupid, they shambled onto the first floor until reaching the room and scratched at the door.