English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "botteragtig" kan 'n paar verskillende betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Lyk of bevat botter: As iets as "botteragtig" beskryf word, kan dit beteken dat dit 'n smaak, tekstuur of voorkoms soortgelyk aan botter het. Byvoorbeeld, 'n croissant kan as "botteragtig" beskryf word omdat dit skilferig en ryk is soos botter.Vetterig of olierig: In sommige kontekste kan "botteragtig" 'n negatiewe konnotasie hê, wat impliseer dat iets buitensporig vetterig of olierig is. Byvoorbeeld, as iemand sê dat 'n gereg "te botterig" is, kan hulle beteken dat dit te swaar of vetterig is vir hul smaak.Verwant aan of lyk soos 'n botterig: 'n "Botteragtige" kan 'n klein kamer of kas wees wat gebruik word vir die berging van drank of ander voorrade. In hierdie konteks kan "botteragtig" gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat verband hou met of herinner aan so 'n ruimte, soos 'n dekoratiewe kerfwerk of 'n tipe hout wat in konstruksie gebruik word.Dit is opmerklik dat die betekenis van "botteragtig" ietwat subjektief kan wees, en kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. A burst of buttery theatre popcorn accompanied her as she took a step closer.
  2. She followed along as Calder pointed out the buttery, the pantry and many other rooms, but with each turn down another corridor, she was sure that she would never be able to learn her way around the labyrinthine passageways.
  3. Moist, buttery cake with a creamy chocolate frosting that melted on my tongue.
  4. I closed my eyes and rolled that first taste around, bathing my taste buds in the buttery caramel flavor.
  5. Except, there was no buttery goodness wafting up the stairs like her brother had promised.
  6. James settled back into the buttery soft leather of his seat.
  7. When she was gone again, off to serve the table of chattering teenagers that had just arrived, Flynn took a deep breath, inhaling all that buttery goodness.
  8. They were buttery soft and a joy to wear his prized possession, he was glad to have them.
  9. Buttery sunlight splashed over the balustrade and through the hundred feet of arches that dominated the eastern wall of the room.
  10. I shoved a roll in my mouth, the buttery, spongy goodness melting in my mouth.