English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "albei" is: gebruik voor twee opsies wat genoem word om aan te dui dat hulle met mekaar verband hou of om te beklemtoon dat hulle albei belangrik is. Dit kan ook gebruik word om na twee mense of dinge saam te verwys.

Sentence Examples

  1. Striker and Jordan both told me they were focusing on finishing the semester with their heads held high and a prayer to get accepted into the minor leagues.
  2. The Bears had won both of their games so far this season, and the crowd was intense with excitement.
  3. I suspect both women tried to stop him and grabbed onto his jacket.
  4. Connor had inherited the best features from both and was always considered charming and gorgeous by the girls who melted anytime they heard his accent.
  5. Eleanor and Maggie agreed they were friends first, and if Connor wanted to take them both on dates, they could accept it in the short term.
  6. Both had saved enough money to split the costs, talked to a local bank about a loan, and opted to go into business together.
  7. Losing both his sister and his soon-to-be ex-wife had taken its toll.
  8. I rolled both eyes in her direction several times with enough emphasis that they almost got stuck on the final lap.
  9. Both pieces of information had fallen into my lap.
  10. We tried to maintain a friendship, but we were both secretly upset with the other for not trying to make a long-distance relationship work.

TV Series Examples



l'm sending you both back to Winterfell.



Oh, will both of you shut your mouths?



No, no, stop it, stop it, both of you!



lf he told the king, both our heads would be



Both Baratheon brothers