English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "vooroordeel" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na 'n vooroordeel of neiging om een bepaalde standpunt, persoon of ding bo ander te bevoordeel, dikwels op 'n onregverdige of irrasionele wyse. As 'n werkwoord beteken "bevooroordeeldheid" om iemand of iets onregverdig in 'n bepaalde rigting te beïnvloed of te manipuleer, gewoonlik gebaseer op persoonlike opinies of oortuigings. In beide gevalle behels vooroordeel 'n gebrek aan onpartydigheid of objektiwiteit, wat kan lei tot onregverdige behandeling of onakkurate gevolgtrekkings.

Sentence Examples

  1. Circumstances, and a certain bias of mind, have led me to take interest in such riddles, and it may well be doubted whether human ingenuity can construct an enigma of the kind which human ingenuity may not, by proper application, resolve.
  2. Even so, if I looked at the facts, plainly and without bias, Nick had a motivation for wanting Trisha out of the picture.
  3. Women will always have more of a bias towards nurturing than men.
  4. I have been taught these two aphorisms in Latin and in Greek one is, I believe, from Phædrus, and the other from Bias.
  5. His mentor, Guardian Matthau Crevon, told him to not let sigils, badges, or prestige bias the choosing of apprentice.
  6. That being said, your brain will continue to ignore facts or twist reality to fit your bias until you explore other ways of believing.
  7. For, indeed, who is there alive that will not be swayed by his bias and partiality to the place of his birth?