English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "duka" inaweza kufafanuliwa kama nomino inayomaanisha biashara ya rejareja ambapo bidhaa na/au huduma zinauzwa kwa watumiaji, au kama kitenzi kinachomaanisha kukusanya au kuweka usambazaji wa kitu kwa matumizi ya baadaye. Inaweza pia kurejelea wingi au usambazaji wa kitu ambacho hutunzwa kwa matumizi inapohitajika. Zaidi ya hayo, neno hilo linaweza kutumiwa kuelezea mahali ambapo vitu huhifadhiwa au kuwekwa, kama vile ghala au kituo cha kuhifadhi.


  1. computer memory
  2. computer storage
  3. storage
  4. memory
  5. memory board

Sentence Examples

  1. The store is filled with crystals and other stones, jewelry, books and witchy things like blankets sporting pentacles, altar kits and black capes.
  2. And we still lived in the house next door, though Mama banned me from going inside the store.
  3. For what purpose had Cearus decided that she, daughter of two respected Adepts and resident of a House that set all its store by the Lord of Water, should not be so gifted?
  4. Even though the store were closed, I headed to my chair.
  5. It was harder to manipulate an invisible lock pick and I fumbled it a couple of times, but within less than a minute, I was inside the store room.
  6. The store was in shambles, both physically and financially, but something about its bones had appealed to me.
  7. Next, he passed a store with a display filled with curious confectionery.
  8. I worried when Daddy sold the store that the new owner would gussy everything up and get rid of my chair.
  9. As I drove through Laurel Falls, I spotted the boarded-up store sporting a For Sale sign.
  10. I watched a cop walking in front of the store next door, which we shared a driveway with.