English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "hifadhi" ni kitendo au mbinu ya kuhifadhi kitu kwa matumizi ya baadaye au mahali kitu kinapohifadhiwa. Inaweza pia kurejelea uwezo au nafasi inayopatikana ya kuhifadhi kitu. Katika muktadha wa kompyuta, hifadhi inarejelea vifaa au viunzi vinavyotumika kuhifadhi data, kama vile diski kuu, viendeshi vya flash au hifadhi ya wingu.

Sentence Examples

  1. He jogged to the staircase, heading down the steps one floor to the storage room.
  2. Being trapped in that blood storage room surrounded by the dead.
  3. He walked around the body to the blood storage room.
  4. Sheila had walked further into the storage room and retrieved a plastic Sippy cup and filled it with the lukewarm water rather than cold.
  5. Each personal area had a cot, a small desk, and a storage locker.
  6. Two interview rooms were on the second floor and the third floor was weapons storage.
  7. Harry investigated the dim storage room one long light lit the room.
  8. He told them to put his desk in storage until he made a final decision.
  9. A state-of-the-art food preparation and storage machine sat in the corner.
  10. None of them wanted to be cramped up in a storage room.