English to swahili meaning of

Fasili ya kamusi ya neno "pulse" inaweza kuwa na maana nyingi kulingana na muktadha. Hapa kuna baadhi ya fasili zinazojulikana zaidi:(nomino) Hisia ya kawaida ya kupigwa au kudunda kwa damu inayotiririka kupitia ateri, kwa kawaida husikika kwenye kifundo cha mkono au shingo. (nomino) Mdundo au mdundo mmoja.(nomino) Yoyote kati ya mbegu mbalimbali zinazoweza kuliwa za familia ya mikunde, kama vile maharagwe, dengu, au njegere.(nomino) Kupasuka kwa muda mfupi au kuongezeka kwa nguvu, shughuli, au hisia. (kitenzi) Kupiga au kupiga mdundo, kama vile mapigo ya damu kupitia mwili.(kitenzi) Kupima kasi ya mapigo ya moyo wa mtu au kasi yake. ambapo damu inapita kupitia mishipa yao.(kitenzi) Kuashiria au kusambaza mlipuko mfupi wa nishati, taarifa au data.


  1. pulsation
  2. beat
  3. heartbeat

Sentence Examples

  1. Jose Saramago Celestino The ocean heaves to its own pulse, angry and insistent, forcing its bulk against the rock my wet and salty companion, silent, even as it roars.
  2. She managed to throw herself into an empty guest room as the servant rounded the corner, and she had to remain hidden within for a full five precious minutes, until her pulse and breathing slowed enough for her to move again.
  3. Blood pumped madly through my veins, sending my pulse into an erratic, unpredictable tempo.
  4. To his relief he felt a pulse, very weak, but there.
  5. Our bodies pulse energy, pouring out of us and producing our auras.
  6. His pulse raced and his ears strained as he yanked on his clothing.
  7. She clung to the window frame while her pulse hammered against her collarbone.
  8. He was intriguing and intelligent, and he made my pulse race.
  9. His pulse throbbed with such force it was like a drum, beating out a steady, frantic rhythm.
  10. As Brooke walked to Healing training, she saw everything from a box of glowing green worms someone had left on a windowsill, to High-Realmers training with hi-tech pulse pistols.