English to swahili meaning of

Neno "beat" lina maana kadhaa tofauti kulingana na muktadha. Hapa kuna baadhi ya ufafanuzi wa kawaida:Kupiga mara kwa mara: "Alipiga ngoma kwa mikono yake."Ili kushinda au kushindwa: "Timu ya nyumbani ilishinda timu ya wageni."Kupiga au kupiga: "Moyo wake ulikuwa ukidunda kwa kasi."ili kushinda au kushindwa: "Timu ya nyumbani ilishinda timu iliyotembelea."Kupiga au kupiga: "Moyo wake ulikuwa ukipiga kwa kasi."ili kuchanganya viungo " . li>Kutengeneza njia kwa kutembea juu yake mara kwa mara: “Mtembezi hupita njia katika msitu.”Kuchosha au kuchoka: "Safari ndefu ilitushinda sote."Kuwa bora kuliko au bora kuliko: "Upishi wake unashinda mgahawa wowote mjini." Eneo la doria la kawaida la afisa wa polisi: "Afisa huyo alipewa mdundo katika eneo la katikati mwa jiji."Kipindi kifupi cha maandishi au alama ya muziki: "Muigizaji alisubiri wimbo wake kabla ya kutoa laini yake."

Sentence Examples

  1. His heart ceased to beat, bile rose in his mouth and his stomach heaved.
  2. The beat officer filled them in on what he had learned, and then Burl sent him off to interview whoever else he could find while she and Kila searched the shop.
  3. I knew without seeing that Duane had beat up on her again.
  4. The beat officer who had been on patrol greeted them when they arrived, leading them back to the body.
  5. She was picking up beer for the son of a bitch who beat her.
  6. Or you could do what I did and cover the cops beat in St.
  7. Brooke sobbed as Evan and Jed tried desperately to beat them back, swinging wildly and cleaving limbs with their weapons.
  8. If Kila had to hazard a guess, the man would be walking a beat for a good, long time.
  9. Who would the Battle Masters beat into a bloody pulp?
  10. The rain beat down harder, soaking their skin, and drenching their Novice uniforms.

TV Series Examples



You and that boy beat him with clubs



tried to beat the fever that took him.



Your father beat you.