English to persian meaning of

معنای فرهنگ لغت "تصویری" این است که "به نحوی که از اشکال گفتاری مانند استعاره یا تشبیه برای ایجاد مقایسه یا بیان چیزی به صورت غیر تحت اللفظی استفاده می شود." به عبارت دیگر، هنگامی که شما از زبان به صورت مجازی استفاده می کنید، به معنای واقعی کلمه یا مستقیم صحبت نمی کنید، بلکه از تصاویر یا مقایسه برای انتقال معنای خود استفاده می کنید. به عنوان مثال، اگر می گویید "قلب او سنگ بود"، به صورت مجازی صحبت می کنید و از یک استعاره برای انتقال این ایده استفاده می کنید که فرد رفتار سرد و بی احساسی دارد.

Sentence Examples

  1. On the other hand, the pig business stinks, literally not figuratively.
  2. Clearly we were literally and figuratively at the other end of the world from Silicon Valley with its large venture capital community and cadre of experienced entrepreneurs.
  3. Biting her lip, she let her fingers freeze both literally and figuratively.
  4. He finally concluded that the only way to prove himself was to go into the blaze, and then figuratively to watch his legs to discover their merits and faults.
  5. However, outside of work, I often just figuratively threw up my hands, tried not to get too upset, and as much as possible, went along with the flow.
  6. Knightley, in walking up to Hartfield to breakfast, did not arrive at all too soon and half an hour stolen afterwards to go over the same ground again with him, literally and figuratively, was quite necessary to reinstate her in a proper share of the happiness of the evening before.