English to persian meaning of

معنای فرهنگ لغت "مشتری" این است:شخص یا سازمانی که از خدمات یا مشاوره یک شخص یا شرکت حرفه ای استفاده می کند.یک مشتری. یا خریدار کالا یا خدمات از یک کسب و کار یا سازمان.برنامه یا فرآیندی رایانه ای که خدمات یا منابعی را از برنامه یا فرآیند رایانه دیگری، معمولاً از طریق شبکه، درخواست می کند.به طور کلی مشتری کسی است که خدمات یا محصولی را از طرف دیگری، خواه یک فرد یا سازمان، دریافت می کند. در زمینه محاسبات، مشتری برنامه یا دستگاهی است که برای درخواست اطلاعات یا خدمات به سرور یا شبکه دسترسی دارد.

Sentence Examples

  1. He can remain the mysterious, enigmatic, drop dead gorgeous, wealthy client who lures women into little black dresses.
  2. Kayla Warren, the project coordinator, was sitting in a closed-door meeting there with a client and a woman named Helena who was a freelance ghostwriter like me.
  3. For purely investigative purposes, so she told herself, she snapped a portrait photo of her client before hurrying to the police laboratory with more serious matters on her mind.
  4. My client has been wrongfully arrested, and we intend to get to the truth, councillor.
  5. She wanted to know what her client was charged with this time.
  6. I needed to get a handle on whatever the heck was happening there, for my client, for whatever protection I could give his wife, and for myself.
  7. If said banker can find, say, eight thou before our client turns up, we let him go.
  8. Some client or other wants payback, wants to frighten them senseless.
  9. She had to relocate three times during the construction and several client files were lost.
  10. Of course, such an affair fucks off our client, so the necessary down payment has to account for some future loss of business.